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My name is Karla Fickett, just a small-town girl who prides herself on her farm raised roots.  Growing up on the farm, in Northeast Nebraska, prepared me for the rest of my life and helped me to find my values.  I learned responsibility at a young age, caring for our animals; the humility of a simple life, working hard and appreciating what you have.  I developed a strong work ethic along with a deep love of the land and gratitude for family.  There is contentment in the simple things of life. 


I started KF Bookkeeping Services to provide a bookkeeping solution for businesses that cannot justify employing a full-time, in-house bookkeeping staff.  I have a passion for providing quality services and have years of experience in a wide range of industries such as trucking/transportation, dentistry, home building, retail sales and services, among others.


With customer service as my top priority, my goal is to help business owners reach their goals by providing an affordable, effective and efficient solution to take the daily bookkeeping tasks off their plates and give them their time back.  Allowing the business owners to focus on fine-tuning their operations and trusting me to handle all of the behind-the-scenes work, with the integrity and attention to detail that keeps your business on the right path.








Photo: My husband Bernie and I, with our grandsons.


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